The Cedar Lake Park Memorial Grove contains over sixty-five trees planted in honor or memory of loved ones. On October 6, 1996, over one hundred people gathered to dedicate the Cedar Grove and plant the first six trees. Many returned the next year to help plant the remaining cedars.
In the winter of 2003, volunteers added a sandstone bench (see photo to the right) to the heart of the grove, so people could stop and reflect in the quiet of the park.
Now, the Cedar Lake Park Association has created a virtual Cedar Grove. Each individual honored or memorialized now has his or her own page. The page also includes the name(s) of the donor(s). Some pages have small notes or sayings that came along with the original donation.
Other pages on this site show the grove’s location and history, including a description of the Cedar Grove’s Dedication Ceremony.

Check out the history of the creation of the Grove
Scroll over the pictures below to see the names of those honored in the Cedar Grove. Once you have found the person you are looking for, click on the image to go to the individual’s page. There you will also find the names of the donors. The Grove is in reverse alphabetical order: more or less.
Memorial Grove